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Summer is here & works have commenced!

Summer is here & works have commenced!

Joe Rowsell16 May - 18:21
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An update from the previous 8 weeks.

As promised, all but slightly later than planned, thanks to a long club celebration weekend and two nights in Mallorca, here is how things have been going within the club in the past two weeks.

Firstly, I'd like to thank the swarms of volunteers who have come forward, the phone has been constantly ringing and I've ran out of storage space with Microsoft.....

As always, it is always the same faces who do the work. Maybe this isn't the best way to get the information to people? If you have any ideas please reach out!!

On that note I will say a special mention to the parents of the U16's who have been superb this season, please carry it on!

So to the works, and we have lost our title of the club with the highest posts in the land as they have been felled (expertly). The drainage has gone in, through some clever machines and we are already seeing the benefit of this in some areas. The pitches have been seeded, fertilised and rolled, with further upkeep ongoing over the next month. Superb work from Sportfields so far- (

Alongside this the changing room renovations have started, shower floors ripped up alongside 'celebration' holes in the ceiling being filled in! This 4 week project will completely transform downstairs into a modern day facility. Thanks to Brad & Andy for their work so far.

So areas to look at:
1. Path- still looking for shuttering & concrete quotes
2. Ground Maintenance- if anyone can lend a hand to a mower, strimmer, shovel, spade, fork or any other object please let us know.

So, as always, please contact Joe Rowsell ( 07746112793) or Andy Davies ( if you would like any information or can assist in any of the areas above.

Further reading